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Design LAB

Corporate sponsor

Sponsorship will provide a unique opportunity for firms to have access to the Lab for conducting research in a neutral environment in an inexpensive way. It offers a vehicle for firms to bring their business challenges and issues to the Lab and see the possible solutions that researchers have to offer.

An option for a corporate sponsor is a lab membership that would link the firm with other like-minded sponsors and Lab faculty & students and research staff with a common agenda. These lab members will have access to all of the research conducted at the Lab, visiting privileges, invitations to events, and full intellectual property rights.

  • Access to all of the research conducted at the Lab;
  • Lab-wide visiting privileges;
  • Customized firm day at the Lab with a strategic brainstorming session or roundtable discussion;
  • Invitation to member events (twice a year);
  • Invitation to Lab-wide lectures and special events;
  • Non-exclusive, license-fee-free, royalty-free licensing rights for IP;
  • Sponsor student apprentice-associate-fellow program in Lab;
  • Student recruitment;
  • Access to all Lab publications and password-protected sponsor Web site; and
  • Sponsor employee-in-residence at the Lab.

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